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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Half Lace Scarf

I made this slightly altered t-shirt scarf for extremely cheap. I bought the XXXL t-shirt from Wal-Mart for $4. The lace I had as scrap from another project. 

You can find out how to make a tshirt scarf like the one below at this link.

I cut the piece of lace at the same width of the scarf. Then I cut one side of the lace creating just a regular scarf.

Then I hand sewed the lace in with white thread and did this again at the other end.

Then I had this wonderful infinity lace scarf...

When doubled over it creates one whole side of lace on the scarf.

Blueberry Muffins

Trader Joe's has the greatest organic blue berry muffin mix in the world! 

GO GET IT NOW! Amazing...

Flowers and Lace Wreath

I made this wreath for $8 and it was so simple.

I took a plain wreath from Hobby Lobby...

Hot glued two small pieces of lace around one side....

And then cut the stems off some faux white flowers and hot glued them on.

All finished!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gold Tack Wreath

I made this wreath out of Dollar Tree thumb tacks and a styrofoam wreath! The ribbon I already had from a different project so it all worked out.

5 boxes of tacks - $5
Styrofoam Wreath - $2
=$7 wreath

I used a box that held 300 and used almost all of the boxes, that's almost 1500 tacks. 
I really lucked out finding them at Dollar Tree though, I might have paid twice that for 1500 if not.

I got the wreath from Michaels, cheap and durable!

Then started the hard part, I started around the edges and worked my way in. Every once in a while, a tack wouldn't stick well and I would fire up the hot glue gun to make sure they don't fall out!

15 minutes here, 5 minutes there, as time consuming as it is, if you space it out, it really wasn't a burden at all!

Then I just tied the back ribbon around and I'm convinced any color ribbon would work, I just happened to have this one!

Now I just enjoy my beautiful $7 gold tack wreath.